Monday, September 10, 2012


There are many myths that tell the story of how the sun came to be, the real story goes as told; Once upon a time there was a small child who lived in a small village where it was constantly dark outside. The children of the village were shy, quiet, and lonely because they had to stay in side all the time because it was unsafe in the dark, for you could not see. The small boy however was disobedient and often times ran away into the dark in hope that he'd find other people somewhere who didn't always stay inside. One night the little boy wondered too far into the darkness and couldn't find is way back. the little boy searched for days until he finally circled back to his small village. once back to the village the boy knew he'd have a lot of trouble to face. As the boy opened the door slowly and crept into the house he knocked over a glass and awoke everyone in his house. His mother and father sprung to their feet and rushed to the front door where the commotion was. As soon as his mother saw the small boy she immediately started shrieking at the boy. Not only had he run away for days and woke her out of sleep, he had disobeyed her orders to never run into the darkness. The boys father and mother yelled, and yelled, and yelled to get this lesson through the small boys head. After an hour or so of listening to his parents the boy was ashamed! As he sat there he could feel rage and anger developing deep inside. As some more time past the small child was furious at his parents for not wanting him to be happy. He cold feel the rage roaring inside and his facing beaming red from shame. Finally the boy had had enough. He got up and ran back out of the house. His parents watched the small boy, gleaming red with anger, light the sky with shades of red, orange, and yellow as he ran over the hill to never be seen again. The end.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012